Good day people. Hope you are warm and comfy. We had just another marvelous day of RAIN here in Ireland - again! I am not talking about a little sprinkle here or there, I am talking road flooding! But Lisa & I decided that we could care less (right) and we were going to go on a little archeological seek and find in the rain. We had a really good map and had looked up and bunch of really cool churches, megalithic tombs, cairns and castles to discover. We figured today would not be the day to tour the "beautiful coastline". So off we go. We really did find some cool stuff. It was like being on the amazing race. The flooded roads, the unmarked roads (sign wise and general road markings) along with driving rain and wind made for it to be fun, when we used our imaginations. It became really old when my pants were soaked up to mid calf and my toes were cold and had that pastie white shriveled up look. Both Lisa & my REI raincoats where beaten down by the Ireland rain as they both suddenly became not so waterproofed anymore - this is truly how much rain we have had. So, still pretending to have fun became a little harder. We only have a couple more days left here and are hoping tomorrow will be sunny so we can see the coast here. We went down to the peer and took some more pictures of the Cliffs of Moher with some giant waves crashing and some really dark clouds coming in (no surprise). We have both just changed into some warm dry clothes. We stink. Despite it not being hot we are are both wearing dirty clothes, and mine do stink from the endless hot flashes. I am not sure where we will eat dinner, but I am totally looking forward to the Guinness. Maybe Guinness stew - won' dat be lovely! Wid a little soooda bread. My diet will officially start the Tuesday after labor day. Sunday or Monday, upon or return, Lisa & I are already talking about having to go to Sine or O'Tooles for dinner to get us a pint back home to truly compare. We already know there is no comparison but it will be a good excuse to have another before the big calorie cut starts. oh yeah....360 something days to IM Canada...I am still trying to figure out why I thought this would be a good idea!
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